Who said that Rotary is all about drinking?

The Rotary Club provides a different anecdote. This may be advantageous or detrimental. But generally speaking,  everyone’s connotation runs counter to its principles.

Principle of Inception
The idea of Rotary was to regularly get together and socialize while expanding one’s network of commercial and professional contacts.

Actually, Rotary has an international exchange program called the Friendship Exchange that enables participants to alternately host other Rotarians in their homes and clubs. Individuals, couples, families, and groups are all welcome to participate, whether or not they are Rotary members. This is the camaraderie that permeates the entire Rotary family on a global scale.

All exchanges are paid for by the participants, and hosts are not expected to bear a substantial financial burden. Visitors cover their own travel expenses in exchange for warm hospitality and an unforgettable international travel experience.

Rotary Fellowships are global organizations with a shared interest. Joining a fellowship is an enjoyable opportunity to meet people from all over the world, learn more about a hobby or vocation, and improve your Rotary experience.​


Why Fellowship is important in Rotary?

Rotarians have the chance to develop lifelong friendships outside of their Club, District, or nation through fellowship. Fellowships enhance peace and understanding throughout the world. Fellowships also work as a recruiting tool for Rotary and a retention tool for current members.

Fellowship allows every member share their interest and hobbies which provides members a chance to share their individuality. Basketball, swimming, cooking, and any other passion is a fellowship. With this, you can gain more friends not just in your local Rotary chapters but also across district around the world.

What We Usually Do in Rotary?

In addition to our regular community involvement, Rotary also works with our partners-typically our local  and  worldwide Sister Clubs to coordinate donations, medical and dental missions, global grant and activity coordination logistics.

Additionally, Rotary may holds a bi-monthly meeting on their designated dates and time. The club president talks about upcoming initiatives and other issues that directly and indirectly  affect the club’s operations during every the meetings. During the onslaught if COVID19 pandemic, Rotary setup a hybrid meeting where some attendees participated through virtual conference while others met in person.

Rotary President presides during the regular meeting
Regular meeting is conducted in person or virtually.

Aside from meetings, Rotary conducts clubs training and invite resource person to speak on matters that can improve personal development and leadership. This is a regular practice to ensure that members are adept with Rotary activities and build camaraderie among members.

Induction of new members is also being held during regular meetings. Rotarian welcomes new members who has shown their interest in the values of being a rotarian. Sometimes it also celebrates a Rotarian Birthdays and other celebration.

Fellowship follows which is a regular activity for every activities Rotarians had finished to thank everyone for their efforts and services rendered. This allows members to enjoy the camaraderie that Rotary infuse in their lives while sipping wine or beer. That’s the reason why for every fellowship, drinks will be serve for members to relax and enjoy the evening. 

Wines and Beers has long been a synonymous to Rotary fellowship night.  Actually there is a fellowship called “The BREW”  a new fellowship within Rotary. It started in California in 2013 with a goal to create an international community of Rotarians who shared a love of beer.

So Yes, Rotarians also loves to drink just like any body else. Our drinking activity serve its purpose after all the accomplishment we have shared to the community. It’s also a time rejuvenate, learn and understands each individual qualities and strengthen the value of friendship that Rotarians can bring. Finally, Let’s Drink to that!

See our Fellowship Activities

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