The organization of the Rotary Club of San Pablo City was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Manila (the oldest Rotary Club in Asia). Rotary was introduced to San Pablo City on May 17, 1950 when then District Governor Emilio Javier and Past District Governor Marianito Lichauco made the classifications survey and recruited the prospective members. They were the two Rotarians who gave Rotary Information and discussed what Rotary was all about to the prospective new Rotarians.
Officially, the Rotary Club of San Pablo became a member of Rotary International on June 5, 1950 when Past District Governor Emilio Javier received a cable from R.I. Secretariat, stating thus: “SAN PABLO CHAPTER 7546 ADMITTED FIVE JUNE PLEASE ADVISE CLUB – Sec. Gen. LOVEJOY”. In the organizational meeting held on June 8, 1950, the following charter officers were elected: members.
- Vice President-THEOBALD DIEHL
- Treasurer-BIO LIM
- Directors:-WERNER SCHETELIG, PASTOR MARIÑO and PAULO MACASAET. Starting with twenty-one (21) charter
Highlights of year 1950-1952
- The first project was sponsored by Boni Reyes and was called the “Pig Raising Project” program for the livelihood of the community;
- Donation of Test Tubes and Petri Dishes to Prof. Martin Celino to encourage researchers on local soil molds as source of anti-biotics;
- Birth of the club bulletin “Coco-Rotaria” on Dec 5, 1950 with Archie Brion as its first editor;
- Antonio “Toni” Azores was the first and only president that was re-elected as president of the club.
- Joe Benedict supervises the rehabilitation and relighting of Rizal Avenue that was destroyed during the World War II;
- Gen. Carlos P. Romulo was the guest speaker during the club’s 1st year anniversary;
- Free Aid Legal and Medico-Dental Clinic;
- Initial effort to make Sampaloc lake as tourist center in San Pablo City; and
- Won the District Attendance (TED HALL ) trophy for the first time.